Wybitni absolwenci po raz kolejny wesprą studentów

The recruitment of students for the next edition of the mentorship project as part of the VIP Alumni Programme, UL takes place until 14 November. The project is addressed to the students from all Faculties of the University of Lodz. Outstanding graduates of the University of Lodz, who act as experts sharing their knowledge and experience, support our students in finding new ways to broaden their qualifications and point out the latest trends and directions of development.

The diversity of personalities and a wide range of mentors' competences provide young people with knowledge and skills in many areas. Each year, persons holding high positions in leading companies and organisations operating in Poland take on the role of mentors. Among the mentors there is no shortage of outstanding specialists representing such industries as media, law, BPO, IT, public administration, PR or HR. This year's mentors are, among others, Adam Nitecki – General Director of Consumer Products Division, L'Oreal Polska, Kazimierz Ujazdowski – Senator of the Republic of Poland or Anna Maria Wesołowska – a retired judge. 

Mentoring is about grafting young shoots onto mature plants so that they could drink the most valuable sap. Therefore, direct contact with a mentor is important. It has always been so; times have changed, and it is worth following them. Young people are introducing us to the world of the Internet, not quite known to my generation. The pandemic has confirmed the important principle that in unity, there is strength, also in this unity between generations. We learn from each other all our lives. A mentor passes on experience, a mentee the needs and news of today. With such knowledge one can build a good reality even in difficult times

- underlines Anna Maria Wesołowska. 

As part of the project students will be supported in taking up challenges and finding their own path for achieving goals and objectives. They will receive assistance in developing interpersonal skills, and learn about ways to enhance their sense of professional and personal worth. 

It will be soon possible to apply for the participation in the project via the application form available on the website of the University of Lodz (Student Zone – Development – Mentorship project). Those students who are interested in participation in the project, after getting familiar with the profiles of mentors, can apply online by indicating up to 3 preferred mentors.  

Duration of the whole mentorship process within the project includes several months planned for the period January – June 2022. Participants of the 2021/2022 edition will be presented on 7 December this year during an official inauguration in the Alfred Biedermann's Palace.