Szkolenie online nt. różnorodności w miejscu pracy (UNIC)

We encourage everyone to take part in a free online training in English, “Diversity Sensitivity in the Workplace and Unconscious Bias,” which will start on 21 October of the current year at 9:30 a.m. Registration for the training is open until 18 October. The event is co-organised by the University of Lodz and UNIC Alliance partners from Rotterdam and Bochum.

The training is devoted to the topic of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. One of its goals is to familiarise participants with the issue of implicit bias. The training is open to employees (scientific, teaching and administrative), students and doctoral students.

The event consists of one lecture and three workshops. The whole will be led by: Katherina Zilles (Ruhr University Bochum), Agata Rudnicka (University of Lodz) as well as Katarina Putnik and Jacqueline Onyenze (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Applications must be submitted using the registration form (go to the form) by 18 October 2024.

Data i godziny: 21 October 2024 (Monday) 09:30 - 15:00