Nowa publikacja nt. miast postindustrialnych

The book entitled “The Reimagining of Urban Spaces – A Journey Through Post-Industrial Cityscapes” is a new scientific publication created in cooperation of people working within the UNIC Alliance. If you are interested in the future of cities and regions in the post-industrial world, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with selected fragments, which are available free of charge.

In the publication edited by Stjepan Lakušić, Jurica Pavičić, Nebojša Stojčić, Jean van Sinderen-Law and Peter Scholten, the authors analyse the socio-spatial consequences of the industrial transformation of cities from demographic, educational and environmental perspectives. The authors seek answers to the question of methods for promoting sustainable development and also forecast the development of post-industrial cities and regions.

You can find the book on the Springer website.