Spotkanie ministra nauki z rektorami uczelni publicznych

The future of higher education in Poland and the challenges posed to the academic community by modern science and the changing needs of society were the main topics of the talks. The meeting, which was held on Thursday, 26 September, at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, was also attended by the Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. Rafał Matera.

Minister Dariusz Wieczorek stressed the importance of dialogue between the ministry and the academic community, and the need to invest in the science development.

The beginning of the academic year is a good opportunity to talk about strategy and joint plans. We need to take Polish science to an even higher level and ensure that it is perceived well both in Poland and abroad. It is important that we take care of our scientists, providing them with the opportunity to obtain grants and conduct research. Our goal is to create a system that will facilitate this

–  said the Minister of Science. 

The President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, Prof. Dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska, also addressed a message to the meeting participants:

When we are talking about the good and goals of higher education, we need to ensure that science in Poland and the expenditure on it are treated as an investment. Without this, science will not develop in a way that would satisfy us.

The topics discussed included:

  • amendment of the Law on Higher Education and Science, 
  • consolidation of universities, which could improve the quality of research, even more comprehensive development of students and open up new opportunities for international cooperation, and consequently raise the position of Polish universities in world rankings,
  • international cooperation, which is crucial for strengthening the position of Polish academic institutions on the global stage,
  • student support, especially in the area of mental health and implementation of new communication technologies,
  • commercialisation of research results. Discussions focused on how to improve the process of technology transfer from universities to industry and how to better connect academic research with market needs,
  • the availability of grant programmes for universities and scientists.

The budget for science in 2025 – without fireworks. The minister is a realist – there won’t probably be larger funds within the basic subsidy, because, well: the flood and the costs of removing its effects will burden the state's expenditures in 2025, as will security issues in connection with the war in Ukraine. A legislative offensive by the ministry is announced, but no specific dates have been given. Dariusz Wieczorek pointed to the need to start talks with the province marshals in the context of the expected inflow of European funds, the creation of regional operational programmes and their presentation in Brussels

– commented immediately after the meeting, Prof. Rafał Matera, Rector of the University of Lodz.

On Friday (27 September of the current year) Minister Dariusz Wieczorek held a press conference at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, devoted to changes in the Law on Higher Education and Science. The draft amendment was prepared in consultation with the academic community and is to be included in the government's legislative work list in October.

The amendment provides, among other things, for the minister to be given the right to immediately close down a non-public university that frequently violates the regulations. It is also intended to regulate the postgraduate studies market and the principles of internationalisation of universities (in connection with the visa scandal). The next rectoral elections are also to be held according to the new rules. The amendment also deals with the mechanisms of university mergers proposed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Source and Photos: Ministry of Science and Higher Education 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz