Miejsce człowieka w przyrodzie – nowy naukowiec i nowe zajęcia na UŁ!

University of Lodz is a host to a new international scientist. Dr Miguel Alexiades came from the University of Kent in Great Britain, invited by dr Monika Kujawska (Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UL). Dr Alexiades' main interests include new ecologies and Amazonia – its cultural landscapes and resource rights, as well as ethnoecology and ethnobotany. We welcome dr Alexiades on board!

Miguel Alexiades will spend 6 months in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Lodz thanks to the NAWA  - Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange programme (Ulam programme). 

The Anthropocene as a proposed new geological epoch indicating planetary crises, but also as a new epoch of thinking relating to categories such as nature, environment, economy, technology, planet, society and human will constitute topic of the classes.
More information can be found on the website of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UL.
Source: Faculty of Philosophy and History, UL 
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL