„Letnie migotania” – koncert łódzkich chórów na UŁ

On Tuesday, 27 June, in the hall of the University of Lodz Faculty of Educational Sciences building (Al. Rodziny Scheiblerów 2 in Lodz), a concert of two Lodz choirs will be held. The event will start at 6:00 p.m. Admission is free.

The Teachers' Choir in Lodz under the direction of Rafał Wiecha and Marta Danielewska, with Marcin Penkala at the piano and the University of Lodz Choir under the direction of Aleksandra Ryłko-Sutowicz, with Prof. Robert Adamczak at the piano will perform as part of the event entitled "Letnie Migotania" [Summer Flickering].

The Teachers' Choir in Lodz has existed since 1953 and operates at the Teacher's Club in Lodz. Its repertoire includes various types of music: classical, early, sacral, church, folk and popular music by Polish and foreign composers from various eras. It actively participates in regional cultural activities.

The University of Lodz Choir was established in 2009. The choir, whose members include students, graduates, employees and enthusiasts of the university, graces academic ceremonies, takes part in the annual editions of the Lodz Festival of Art, Science and Technology as well as in other artistic events, including charity events. The choir has many secular and sacred pieces in its repertoire, including early music and compositions by contemporary artists.

Source: Aleksandra Ryłko-Sutowicz, University of Lodz ChoirKulturalny Koneser

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Date and time of the event: 27 June 2023 (Tuesday) 18:00 - 20:00

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