Niewidzialne bohaterki nauki - startuje kampania projektu RESET

Science is also people who are often “in the background” but whose contribution to its development is huge. The campaign “Faces of Campus” and the exhibition of photographs entitled “Behind the Scenes” is to remind us about it. All activities are organised thanks to the RESET project, which has been implemented at the University of Lodz for several years.

“RESET – Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together” – is a major project funded by the European Union under Horizon 2020 programme (broader project description at the bottom of the article).

The aim of the “Faces of Campus” campaign is to draw attention to the role of people who support research excellence of universities but who are very often less visible in research processes, such as librarians, project administrators, accountants. Topics related to the support of researchers in research processes and the work-life balance will also be addressed. All of these are extremely close to the RESET project. 

In the first year, the leading theme is women in science and research support positions. As part of the campaign, a virtual exhibition of photographs entitled “Behind the Scenes” will be organised on the website of the RESET project and in social media. 

Women represent the vast majority in science and research support positions. The exhibition objective is to show and highlight the important role of women working as science managers, lab assistants, secretaries and consultants, linking science and administration. A gallery of portraits and interviews conducted with women in all partner universities can be found on the website of the project.

RESET focuses on activities that allow for gender equality in research institutions. The aim of the project is to create a space where researchers of both genders can fully use their scientific and organisational potential. RESET uses an intersectional approach to the concept of (in)equality and aims at developing Gender Equality Plans (GEP), which will be implemented in the project's partner institutions, based on the analysis of the needs and experiences of each of them.  This initiative – funded by the European Union under the Horizon2020 programme – brings together seven European universities: University of Bordeaux (France; project coordinator), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Lodz (Poland), University of Porto (Portugal), Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany), University of Oulu (Finland) and Sciences Po Paris (France).

The project will take four years (it started in January 2021) and involves the implementation of various educational workshops, trainings and other activities visible in the public space, aimed at popularisation of the idea of equality and its relationship with improving the quality of scientific research. 

Media and social media of the RESET project

Please share also the information on RESET’s media accounts in your communication outputs:





Source: RESET, dr Agata Rudnicka 
Edit: Paweł Śpiechowicz, Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz