Przyznano kolejne granty na realizację projektów na UŁ w ramach konkursu MINIATURA

The MINIATURA 8 competition was finally decided on 25 November of the current year and the University of Lodz received 8 positive financing and implementing scientific activities decisions. The proposals were accepted on a continuous basis from 1 February to 31 July of the current year.

This is the last sixth ranking list in the MINIATURA 8 competition. It includes proposals that were submitted to the National Science Centre in the last month of the call, i.e. in July 2024, and were positively assessed by experts. The total number of MINIATURA 8 grants awarded to the University of Lodz in 2024 is 25, which ranks us 4th among other Polish research units – right after the Jagiellonian University (45), Wrocław University of Technology (35) and the University of Warsaw (32).

The list of researchers who were awarded funding: 

  • Dr Justyna Ratkowska-Pasikowska from the Faculty of Educational Sciences for the project "Inicjacja w edukacji: analiza czynników formujących samowiedzę i obraz siebie" [Initiation into education: analysis of factors shaping self-knowledge and self-image]; 
  • Dr Maciej Studzian from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for the project "Metoda prezentacji drożdżowej do kierowanej ewolucji amadoriazy, enzymu zdolnego do trawienia produktów glikacji białek" [Yeast display method for directed evolution of amadoriase, an enzyme capable of digesting protein glycation products]; 
  • Dr Kamila Trzcińska from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology for the project "Metody estymacji oraz miary dopasowania do danych empirycznych trzyparametrowych modeli rozkładów dochodów" [Estimation methods and measures of fit to empirical data of three-parameter income distribution models]; 
  • Dr Oleksandra Liudvytska from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for the project "Wstępna ocena potencjału terapeutycznego miechunki pomidorowej (Physalis philadelphica) w kontekście przebudowy tkanek i gojenia ran" [Preliminary evaluation of the therapeutic potential of tomato bellows (Physalis philadelphica) in the context of tissue remodelling and wound healing]; 
  • Dr Michał Juszczak from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for the project "Ochronna rola CORMs w łagodzeniu stresu oksydacyjnego i stanu zapalnego indukowanego doksorubicyną w modelu prawidłowych komórek skóry" [Protective role of CORMs in alleviating doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in a normal skin cells model]; 
  • Dr Remigiusz Żulicki from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology for the project "Generatywna sztuczna inteligencja w opiniach grup o cechach krańcowych. Badanie pilotażowe" [Generative artificial intelligence in the opinions of groups with marginal characteristics. A pilot study]; 
  • Dr Eliza Matusiak from the Faculty of Philology for the project "Mikronarracje uchodźcze wobec rosyjskiej inwazji na Ukrainę w polskich reportażach radiowych z lat 2022-2025" [Refugee micronarratives on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Polish radio reports from 2022-2025]; 
  • Dr Paulina Nowak-Korcz from the Faculty of Philology for the project "Analiza strategii lingwistycznych i argumentacyjnych stosowanych w mowie obrończej we francuskim postępowaniu karnym" [Analysis of the linguistic and argumentative strategies used in defence speech in French criminal proceedings]. 

MINIATURA is a competition intended for scientists who have obtained a PhD degree within the last 12 years and do not yet have experience in managing a research project financed by the National Science Centre or from other sources independently. Activities financed as part of the MINIATURA competition enable researchers at the beginning of their scientific career to gain their first experiences in the grant system. The implementation of MINIATURA is the starting point for creating the assumptions of a full-scale research project, the financing of which can then be applied for in NCN competitions or other national or international competitions.

More information on the website of the National Science Centre


Source: Project Support Centre, University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz