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Have you ever imagined going out on stage as an actor/actress without any knowledge of the text or the performance you are taking part in? This is what improvisational theatre is all about. Hanna Olszewska, a second-year student of Polish Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz, is a great fan of it. She tells us what improvisation gives her and how you can take part in it.

Hanna Olszewska

What is improvisational theatre?

Improvisation is a stage form, but rather an unusual one, as the actors perform without any script. Character creations, dialogues and the entire plot are being created during the performance, it is virtually impossible to plan anything. Such unpredictability often leads to scenes and dialogues that are characteristic of comedy.

How long have you attended improvisational theatre classes? 

Six months ago I felt an overwhelming need to discover a new passion and try something new to do in my free time. I wanted it to be somehow related to art and creativity. Searching the internet for workshops, such as theatre workshops, I came across an advert of one on theatre improvisation. I actually liked it from the very first class, and after a few weeks I was convinced I have found something that really made me happy and allowed me to forget the routine of everyday life.

Have you encountered any difficulties? Did something surprise you during improvisation?

It was difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that I couldn't plan anything. The desire to prepare oneself for the scene in any way is obvious, but it is impossible. Most frequently, it only becomes clear during the scene who you are playing. It is very important to be incredibly focused on the partner you are performing with at all times.

What do you enjoy most about improvising on stage?

Probably creating new characters, who are often completely different to me on an everyday basis is the greatest fun. Improvisation gives you the opportunity to be whoever you want to be, as everything depends only on the imagination of the participants in the performance.

Is it possible to watch theatre improvisation somewhere in Lodz? Have you ever performed in front of an audience?

Throughout the year, except for the summer holiday period, club Niebostan hosts improvisation jams once a month. It is an open form which anyone can take part in. It was there that I have had the pleasure to act during my only impro performance so far. Professional performances of improvisational theatre also take place in various theatres in Lodz, such as Teatr Mały.

Who would you recommend this activity to?

I would recommend Impro to anyone who wants to try something new, likes challenges and has an artistic flair. It is certainly an option for open-minded people. A vivid imagination and the ability to react quickly to suggestions from the environment are welcome. Even if someone has a fear of performing, it is at least worth going to a performance as a spectator, because just watching such a show is great fun.

Source: Aga Becherka