Srebrne medale EUG dla studentów UŁ

Representatives of the University of Lodz did very well at the ongoing European Universities Games in Lodz. They have won two silver medals in kickboxing.

Paulina Grzegórska

Oskar Zawiślak, specialising in the light contact category, made his debut in full contact up to 71 kg in Lodz and reached for silver, succumbing in the final to Stanislav Danichev, Ukrainian. The other medallist is Paulina Grzegórska, who also won a silver medal in the K1 up to 61 kg category.  

Poles were extremely successful in the kickboxing competition – students from all over the country won a total of 22 medals, including five gold ones. 

Oskar Zawiślak

Representatives of the University of Lodz will also take part in the judo and karate competitions, which will take place in the second week of EUG 2022.

European Universities Games (EUG) is the flagship event of EUSA (European University Sport Association), which takes place every two years in various European cities – this year in Lodz. Lodz University of Technology is the main organiser, while University of Lodz, together with EUSA, the Academic Sports Club and the City of Lodz, are co-organisers.

Source: Academic Sports Club 

Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz