Zakończyły się EUG 2022

European Universities Games 2022 have come to an end. The event was held in Lodz and the University of Lodz was one of its partners. It has resulted in two silver medals for our university, both in kickboxing. Throughout July, the University of Lodz also hosted several thousand young athletes from all over Europe at the Lumumby Student Campus. The organisers of the event were: Lodz University of Technology and EUSA (European University Sports Association).

Photo: Lodz University of Technology

During the EUG 2022, medals for the University of Lodz were won by Oskar Zawiślak (full contact category up to 71 kg) and Paulina Grzegórska (K1 category up to 61 kg). Archival report can be found on the website of the University of Lodz.
For several weeks the University of Lodz Lumumby Student Campus was a second home for the athletes and their coaches. Almost all dormitories of the University of Lodz were at their disposal. The athletes also used the sports infrastructure at the university campus.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you all for the time we spent together!

EUG 2022 Photo gallery  
Summary of the EUG 2022 on the website of the Lodz University of Technology (in Polish)


Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz
Source: Lodz University of Technology