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  • Dr hab. Tomasz Kamiński współredaktorem nowej serii poświęconej paradyplomacji oraz dyplomacji miast

Dr hab. Tomasz Kamiński współredaktorem nowej serii poświęconej paradyplomacji oraz dyplomacji miast

We are pleased to inform you about an opportunity to contribute to a new series! An employee of the Paradiplomacy Lab and the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, dr hab. Tomasz Kamiński, has just become a co-editor of a new series devoted to paradiplomacy and city diplomacy.

The Routledge Series on Paradiplomacy and City Diplomacy explores the growing influence of subnational governments – such as cities and regions – on international relations. As subnational, regional and local actors assert themselves on a global stage, the traditional, nation-state-centric model of diplomacy is being challenged. As part of the publishing series, we will present research showing how local and regional authorities engage in international cooperation, how they shape global politics and how they get involved in tackling global problems such as climate change or migration.

Contributions that address the topics listed below are encouraged:

  • Theoretical and empirical studies on paradiplomacy and city diplomacy;
  • Case studies showcasing cities, states, regions or countries paradiplomacy in international relations;
  • Different roles of subnational entities in international policy-making; 
  • Practical implications of paradiplomacy for policymakers, diplomats and urban planners as well as
  • Emerging trends and future directions in paradiplomacy.

The series aims to bring together interdisciplinary perspectives from fields such as international relations, political science, federalism, urban studies and international law.
Publication of three types of books is planned:

  • scholarly monographs that provide in-depth theoretical and empirical studies,
  • edited collections that bring together multiple viewpoints on central topics in paradiplomacy;
  • textbooks designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate audiences.

 If you are interested in discussing your book ideas, please contact Prof. Jorge Schiavon (jorge.schiavon@ibero.mx) and Prof. Tomasz Kamiński (tomasz.kaminski@uni.lodz.pl).