Doktoranci UŁ w Zarządzie Krajowej Reprezentacji Doktorantów

Mgr Monika Wilanowska and mgr Kacper Stoś doctoral students at the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences, will join the Board of the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates (in Polish: KRD) as of 1 January 2025. They were elected during the KRD Electoral Congress, which was held on 6-8 December in Lublin.

Participants of the congress, which was attended by delegates from dozens of universities and research institutes in Poland, also elected mgr inż. Anna Nieczaj as the President of the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates.

Mgr Kacper Stoś is a lawyer, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, a member of the University of Lodz Doctoral Students' Government Council team for legal affairs, a representative of doctoral students in the Electoral Commission of the University of Lodz for the term 2024-2028, a representative of doctoral students in the Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz for the term 2024-2028, a Local Ambassador of Doctoral Student Rights in Lodz.

Mgr Kacper Stoś will be responsible for coordinating the formal and legal area in the Board of the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates. In addition, he will serve as Vice-President of the KRD.

Mgr Monika Wilanowska is also a lawyer, and since January 2023 she has been the President of the University of Lodz Doctoral Students' Government Council and the second deputy of the second deputy of ombudsperson for doctoral students of the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates. For several years, she has been actively involved in the community of doctoral students. In the National Representation of Doctoral Candidates, she has been responsible for preparing legal opinions and information, educational materials and selected grant applications. In addition, she has been the coordinator of the project "Szkoły Doktorskie to nasza przyszłość – popularyzacja wiedzy o systemie kształcenia doktorantów" [Doctoral Schools are our future – popularisation of knowledge about the doctoral education system] and the coordinator of legal affairs in the project "Pełnoprawni w nauce" [Fully Fledged in Science]. 

Mgr Monika Wilanowska will be responsible for coordinating the area related to the preparation and implementation of projects.

Source: KRD 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photo: Kamil Pudełko