Doktoranckie Granty Badawcze 2022 – rozstrzygnięcie II edycji konkursu

The competition jury has completed the evaluation of proposals submitted as part of the 2nd edition of the University of Lodz Doctoral Research Grants. In total, there are 16 winning projects, which are funded from the budget of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) Competition. We offer our sincere congratulations to all the winners! The winning projects and their authors by scientific field:

1. Humanities:

  • Roman Sacharov, Media text genres in selected Slavic languages: an attempt of comparison
  • Aleksandra Staniszewska, In the shadow of a famous husband – the life and activity of Paulina Wielopolska née Potocka according to the family archives (including correspondence with the margrave from 1860-1862)
  • Weronika Woźniak, Figures of words in OuLiPo’s prose work: a linguistic study of French corpora

2. Social sciences:

  • Paweł Malinowski, Not all smiles are equal. How does context influence perception of facial expressions?
  • Justyna Gumulak, Compliance with labour law standards during the organisation of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar
  • Monika Wilanowska, Tasks of local self-government administration in preventing and solving alcohol-related problems and protection of life and health of victims of family violence - a comparative legal perspective
  • Magdalena Wojtalik, Early adaptive and maladaptive schemas and risk of relapse in the group of alcohol addicts: the mediating role of alexithymia, level of alcohol craving and the moderating role of the risk situation - a prospective study

3. Natural sciences:

  • Jakub Skibiński, Identification of the function of PapS protein in tRNA metabolism in Helicobacter pylori
  • Klaudia Toczek, An effective method of protecting 2D materials from oxidation
  • Yaroslav Lavrynchuk, Implementation of the latest structural sequencing methods and PAR-CLIP techniques to study the activity of DEAD-box helicases in mycobacteria
  • Karolina Koprowska, Luminescent labels for imaging biomolecules
  • Marta Rudna, Reconstruction of rapid climate changes at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition based on Cladoceran subfossil remains (at selected sites in central Poland)
  • Agata Pyrzanowska, Assessment and evaluation of antioxidant properties of the natural phytohormone analog - GR24 against human peripheral blood cells treated with brominated flame retardants (tetrabromobisphenols)
  • Krzysztof Podwysocki, Variation in morphology and chemical composition of mouthparts of the alien crustacean Dikerogammarus villosus (Sovinsky 1894) in the context of diet and invasion history 
  • Kamil Świątek, α-Mercaptoacetaldehyde as acetylene surrogate in the synthesis of biologically relevant pyrazole derivatives
  • Anna Kowalczyk, Planar and axially symmetrical fluorinated benzodipyrazoles

Doctoral Research Grants is one of the University of Lodz internal competitions addressed to the researchers from our university who implement innovative scientific projects. It is a competition for doctoral students and doctoral school participants. The competition offers the chance to carry out, among other things, library and archive searches, purchase research apparatus and publish scientific papers in the best international periodicals. It also allows its winners to prepare grant applications of national and international scope.