Uwarunkowania przestępczości w Ameryce Łacińskiej – nowy projekt na UniLodz

What factors influence the choice of a criminal career in the countries of Latin American? To what extent do the broadly understood culture, family, employment or its lack or the current social, political and economic situation of the country decide about the choice of such a life path? Researchers working on the project Crime in Latin America (CRIMLA): The role of family, employment , culture and the state" will look for answers to these questions. The project is funded by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council.

At UniLodz the research is launched by dr hab. Piotr Chomczyński , prof. of UL from the Institute of Sociology. Professor Chomczyński, as a scholarship holder of the European Union-funded Eurica programme, implemented at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, has already conducted ethnographic research on organised crime. Acting at the Comisión de Derechos Humanos in Mexico, he monitored the situation of people staying in prisons and correctional facilities in Mexico, as well as conducted field research among communities threatened by drug cartels.  

The CRIMLA research team consists of scientists from Norway, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Sweden and Poland. The project worth € 1.2 million is coordinated by prof. Sveinung Sandberg from the University of Oslo. Ethnographic research will be carried out in Mexico, Chile, El Salvador and Brazil. 

Results of the project will be of great importance for research on the impact of state of security on the development of Latin America. They will also become the basis for further analyses of crime in the Global South more generally.  

The results will be published in major international scientific journals and posted on the ResearchGate portal. 

Dr hab. Piotr Chomczyński, prof. of UL – holder of a ministerial scholarship for young outstanding scientists, winner of scientific awards of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Rector of the University of Lodz. Manager and member of team of numerous national (KBN / NCN) and international (HORIZON) research projects (the United States, Ecuador, Germany, Ukraine, Mexico). He has conducted classes in the sociology of deviation at Pennsylvania State University in the United States and classes in the field of qualitative research methodology for doctoral students at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. A graduate of Scientific Writing courses at Stanford University and other courses as part of the Polish Science Foundation. A graduate of postgraduate studies in the field of commercialisation of knowledge (R&D). Member of editorial committees and reviewer of Polish and international journals, and author of numerous international (Oxford University, Sage, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Edward Elgar Publishing) and domestic scientific publications, reports and expert opinions financed from the budgets of the ESF EU, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family and Labour and Social Policy and local administration. He specialises in qualitative methods in the field of sociological research in the field of deviation, adult and juvenile crime, domestic violence and drug-related organised crime. The latest project is an interdisciplinary, multi-author textbook on Criminology by PWN. 

See other articles by prof. Piotr Chomczyński at ResearchGate

Source: Faculty of Economics and Sociology, UL
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL