Na UŁ muzyka Chopina jeszcze dziś!

We already know the winner of the 18th Chopin Competition, Warsaw – Bruce (Xiaoyu) Liu from Canada has defeated dozens of musicians from all over the world. Among the winners there is also a Pole, Jakub Kuszlik, who has won the 4th prize in the Competition. At the University of Lodz, thanks to the cooperation with the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz, you can listen to Chopin’s music even today. After a long break the concerts as part of "Music at Biedermann's" series are back.

Rector of the University of Lodz, prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska says:

My sincere congratulations to the winner. I admired his playing, as did millions of people around the world. I congratulate Canada on such a talented musician. Congratulations also go to all the Competition winners, especially to our representative (here I would like to congratulate him on the additional award for his performance of mazurkas!). I am very pleased that in such a wonderful context we are resuming concerts at Biedermann’s Palace, together with the University of Music in Lodz.

More about the winner:
The 18th Chopin Competition, Warsaw – the winner
The 18th Chopin Competition - interviews

”Music at Biedermann’s” is back – we encourage you to take part in the subsequent concerts

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL