Nagroda Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Dr Anna Wendorff is the winner of the 2020 Outstanding Achievements Contributing to the Development of Science Award for Young Scientists Working in the Region of Lodz! The award for activities in the humanities and social sciences was granted by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The award for outstanding scientific and artistic achievements is conferred to the individuals who are under the age of 38 and who hold at least a doctoral degree. Each year the awards are conferred in five categories, one each for the humanities and social sciences, biological and medical sciences, exact sciences, technology and the arts.

The Polish Academy of Sciences Award is yet another achievement of dr Anna Wendorff. She has already been, among others, a winner of MINIATURA 4 competition and UL IDUB grant. Dr Wendorff has also received a team LUMEN Prize for the project entitled „Usłyszeć obraz. Audiodeskrypcja dzieł sztuki w łódzkich muzeach jako czynnik kreujący i kształtujący relacje pomiędzy działalnością naukową i dydaktyczną Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego a interesariuszami zewnętrznymi (instytucjami kultury, organizacjami pozarządowymi, społecznością lokalną, przedstawicielami biznesu)” [Hear the image. Audiodescription of works of art in museums in Lodz as a factor creating and shaping relations between academic and didactic activity of the University of Lodz and external stakeholders (cultural institutions, non-governmental organizations, local community, business representatives].

Source: Faculty of Philology, UL
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL