Działania dla dobra UŁ – uroczyste wręczenie medali i wyróżnień

A ceremonial presentation of medals and diplomas to students and doctoral students for their activities for the benefit of the University of Lodz took place at the Biedermann’s Palace on Thursday (4 July of the current year). The honourees received awards from Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector of the University of Lodz and Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education. Congratulations!

The Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo medals for outstanding student activities were awarded to seven people:

  • Mateusz Biskupiak (Faculty of Law and Administration)
  • Konrad Budziński (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
  • mgr Magdalena Burzyńska (Faculty of Philology)
  • Weronika Janas (Faculty of Geographical Sciences)
  • Jacek Stanisławski (Faculty of Law and Administration)
  • Oliwia Wierucka (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)
  • Eryk Zywert (Faculty of Law and Administration)

and one person for doctoral activity – mgr Joanna Królikowska (the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities)

Distinctions for student activities (in the form of diplomas) were awarded to 15 people:

  • Agnieszka Zychla (Faculty of Law and Administration)
  • Aleksandra Szkudlarek (the University of Lodz Branch in Tomaszów Mazowiecki)
  • Andrzej Wyrzychowski (Faculty of Educational Sciences)
  • Dominika Czernik (Faculty of Educational Sciences)
  • Jan Majewski (Faculty of Educational Sciences)
  • Jarosław Brodecki (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
  • Kacper Szczepaniak (Faculty of Philology)
  • Kamil Słomczyński (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
  • Martyna Karalus (Faculty of Educational Sciences)
  • Michał Bartyzel (Faculty of Law and Administration)
  • Piotr Parkita (Faculty of Law and Administration)
  • Wiktor Gawron (the University of Lodz Branch in Tomaszów Mazowiecki)
  • Wiktoria Kowalczyk (Faculty of Geographical Sciences)
  • Zuzanna Kolbus (Faculty of Philology)
  • Maria Domaniewska (Faculty of Management)

The diploma for the winner of the University of Lodz Rector’s Scientific Award for doctoral students of the Doctoral Schools of the University of Lodz was awarded to Aygün Kam (the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences), and distinctions for student activities were awarded to: Grzegorz Mikołajczyk and Zofia Wysocka (the above mentioned people were not present at previous galas and wished to receive the diplomas awarded earlier in a ceremonial manner).

After the ceremonial presentation of all medals and diplomas, the honourees were invited to take commemorative photos with the authorities of the University of Lodz.  

Photo report of the event

Distinctions and medals – for significant social and organisational as well as scientific research activities

Distinctions and medals for student activities for the benefit of the University of Lodz are awarded for significant social and organisational as well as scientific and research activities. The Universitas Lodziensis Alumno Laude Dignissimo medals are awarded for outstanding work for the university that has lasted for at least 3 years. Doctoral students are awarded the distinctions mentioned above when they can boast of achievements in both spheres (both social-organisational and scientific-research). The distinctions are conferred by the Vice-Rector, while the medals are conferred by the Senate of the University of Lodz, based on candidates presented by the Vice-Rector.

The current academic year is special because of a change in the procedure for submitting nominations for these honours – in contrast to the previous practice, when nominations were made by Deans of individual faculties and Heads of Doctoral Schools. From this year onwards, students and doctoral students apply for the medal or distinction themselves.

Source: Adrian Pałka, Social Affairs Centre for Students and Doctoral Students, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

Photos: Maciej Andrzejewski, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz