Join the Entrepreneurship Academy
Entrepreneurship is everywhere – these are the words that the Academy training begins with. And since it’s everywhere, not only those who run a business can benefit from it. It's the way of looking at the world that can just make our lives easier, change it for the better. I cordially encourage our students and doctoral students to give it a go
- says dr Agnieszka Kurczewska (professor of the University of Lodz), Vice-Rector of the University of Lodz for External Relations, originator of the Academy of Entrepreneurship of the #UniLodz.
You will find the entire course here
There is no entrepreneurship without failing and making bloopers – those small and large ones. It just never happens that everything goes well all the time. We always take two steps forward and one big step backward, so it tempers personality and character to a great extent and helps in every other aspect of life
- Szymon Midera, CEO of Shumee S.A., Chairperson of the Council for Entrepreneurship of the University of Lodz.
Academy of Entrepreneurship of the #UniLodz consists of six modules for individual work. It’s the participant who decides when and how intensively they want to get to know the material. Each module consists of:
Starter – an intro with each episode preview
Knowledge base – a theoretical introduction
Practitioner's perspective – an interview with a representative of the business world
Zoom on a startup – a story of a local start-up or company
Academic voice – an expert commentary, shedding a broader light on a given start-up
Time for you! – engaging tools and exercises, allowing you to use your knowledge in practice
We encourage you to get familiar with the training materials!
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz