1. miejsce w Polsce dla Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego na półmetku konkursu NCN MINIATURA6

National Science Centre (NCN) has announced the third ranking list in the MINIATURA 6 competition. Forty-one researchers from Polish scientific institutions are in the group of its winners. There are also scientists from our university among them. Halfway through the competition, the University of Lodz takes first place in Poland in terms of the number of obtained grants. Our sincere congratulations to all the researchers!

University of Lodz takes the ex aeqo 1st place with the Medical University of Gdańsk, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the University of Warsaw in terms of the number of the received MINTURA grants (7), and the second, right after the Medical University of Gdańsk, in terms of the obtained funds (nearly PLN 230,000).

The so-far winners of the MINIATURA 6 competition from the University of Lodz, based on the ranking lists 1-3, are:

dr Marta Baraniak from the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, project entitled: “The efficiency of organic farms in the context of the fragmentation of Polish agriculture - a pilot study”,

dr Ewa Feder-Sempach from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, project entitled: “International risk factors in global equity markets. The impact of unprecedented events on investment portfolio risk-return trade off”,  

dr Klaudia Zielińska-Lont from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, project entitled: “Consequences of extraordinary events for financial stability in the European Union”,

dr Tomasz Sosnowski from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, project entitled: “Quality of earnings reported by newly listed companies - problems of evaluation and conceptualization of research”,

dr Bartosz Caban from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, project entitled: “Types of posterior hypothalamic theta rhythm in relation to rats behavior in comparison with hippocampal theta rhythm”,

dr Izabela Stachowicz from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, project entitled: “Modern monitoring of neotropical vulnerable mammals - environmental DNA meta barcoding”, 

dr Paulina Wigner from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, project entitled: “The role of oxidative and nitrative stress and inflammation in the molecular mechanism of urolithiasis and bladder cancer development”.     

The call for applications in the competition is conducted on a continuous basis and will last until 31 July this year until 4 p.m. NCN has 5 months to settle it; it is likely that the next ranking lists (four, five and six) will be announced in the autumn 2022. In December this year we will summarise achievements of the University of Lodz in the entire MINIATURA 6 competition. 

University of Lodz at the forefront of scientific research in NCN competitions

Our university has taken leading places in Poland (1-5) in the subsequent editions of the MINIATURA competition, both in numerical and quota terms. In 2021, we ranked 4th in terms of the number of the obtained grants, while 5th in terms of funding.

This is not the only success of researchers from the University of Lodz. In the past decade, a total of 577 applications for the amount of nearly PLN 176 million were qualified for funding as part of various competitions conducted by the NCN.

We are pleased with the number of applications qualified for funding in competitions such as: PRELUDIUM (137), OPUS (219), SONATA (55).  We are also present in almost all other calls that the Centre announces: BEETHOVEN, BEETHOVEN LIFE, DAINA, ETIUDA, FUGA, HARMONIA, MAESTRO, POLONEZ, POLS, SONATA BIS, SONATINA.

MINIATURA 6 Funding scheme

The goal of the MINIATURA competition is to support scientific activities leading to the preparation of the assumptions of a research project, which will be submitted in NCN competitions or other national and international competitions. In its sixth edition, funding of PLN 5,000 to PLN 50 000 can be obtained, and the budget of the entire competition is PLN 20 million.

Scientists who obtained a doctoral degree no earlier than on 1 January 2010, who have not directed and are not directing the implementation of research projects funded by the National Science Centre and have at least one published work or at least one artistic or artistic and scientific accomplishment in their achievements can apply for funds for initial or pilot studies, query, research internship, research trip or consultation trip lasting up to 12 months.

Researchers pursuing scientific activities cannot be winners of competitions for doctoral scholarships or internships funded by the NCN, and cannot be applicants, project managers or candidates for an internship in applications submitted or qualified for funding in other NCN competitions. On the day the application is submitted, they must have an employment contract with the entity where they will carry out their research.

We encourage you to check the information provided in the Employee Knowledge Database, including news on the calls for grant competitions, as well as a guide on project implementation and management.

Source: NCN, Science Centre of the University of Lodz;
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz