The 13th edition of the campaign of the UL students will take place in the Manufaktura Shopping Centre on 30 January 2022. We invite everyone to the finale of the Let's Build a Heart Together to create a huge heart filled with lots of gold coins together. Apart from the collection, the team of the Student Science Club Inwestor has also prepared many other attractions.
Feel welcome to visit the fanpage of the event to stay up to date with the news on the project and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. There will be some interesting contests with prizes coming up soon.
So far, during all the editions of the campaign of the #UniLodz students we have managed to collect PLN 551 515.
We are waiting for You! Every, even the smallest help matters.
Source: Student Science Club Inwestor (Faculty of Economics and Sociology, UL)
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL