Everything has changed with the outbreak of war in Ukraine. There is a need to analyse the grand strategy of the Republic of Poland, adopt a new strategy of rivalry with Russia and the resulting military strategy for the war with Russia, and to develop an operational concept for the future army of the Republic of Poland.
Jacek Bartosiak.
Dr Jacek Bartosiak is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, a lawyer, expert on geopolitics and geostrategy, founder of the Strategy&Future think tank, Director of the Wargaming Studies and Simulations Programme at the Pułaski Foundation, Senior Fellow at the Potomac Foundation in Washington D.C.
The event will be held on 4 November 2022 at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Kopcińskiego 8/12 Łódź, room 2.20 (Red Assembly Hall), at 11:00 a.m.
Admission is free. The event will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Regional Centre for International Debate in Lodz.
The debate is co-organised by the voivode of Lodz Tobiasz Bocheński and the Alexis de Tocqueville Center for Political and Legal Thought.