Nauka inspiruje - dr Marcin Szymański

Dr Marcin Szymański is a historian whose passion is economic relations in Poland, with particular emphasis on Lodz in his research. He has been honoured twice with the award for the Best Book about Lodz in the Golden Ex-Libris competition of the Jozef Pilsudski Regional and Municipal Public Library in Lodz. Books on the history of brewing also play an important role in his publications. He is a former employee of the Museum of the City of Lodz, where he took advantage of the opportunity to present unknown aspects of the history of his hometown by organising exhibitions. Currently, together with the Topography Association, he is researching the last stage of the industrial history of Lodz – from the end of the World War II to the end of the 1990s.

Dr. Marcin Szymański with the interior of an abandoned textile factory in the background

Dr Marcin Szymański is a historian, a museologist and a promoter of historical knowledge, a regionalist. He is an author and a co-author of scientific and popular science books and articles (e.g. "Polskie piwo. Biografia"; "Łódź na wodach dziejów"; "Łódź Kamienice"). Dr Marcin Szymański is a curator for museum exhibitions, a consultant of films and historical events. He is a happy husband and a dad.

What inspired you to become a scientist? 

When I was studying history, I was struck by how little we know about the past, especially the recent one. Most frequently we settle for generalities, but I was looking for more satisfying answers. It turned out that there are no ready-made answers, and you have to give them yourself, and you have to start from the sources. Thus, I have got down to work.

What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality? 

I am one of those naive people who still believe that we can learn something from history. I am mainly interested in economic history, and many interesting conclusions can be drawn from it, which are also valid today. I would like decision-makers to take into account past experiences and not make us fall into the same traps.

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

A scientist is a person who seeks the truth in their own field. I think this universal statement reflects precisely what we should be dealing with. To ask difficult questions and look for real answers.

More information about Dr Marcin Szymański’s work

Download the book "Wielki przemysł, wielka cisza: łódzkie zakłady przemysłowe 1945-2000"  for free


Widely available publications by Dr Marcin Szymański

Source: Dr Marcin Szymański (Department of Recent History of Poland, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz)

Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR centre, University of Lodz)

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