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Studying is about broadening your horizons: those scientific and... geographical ones. Did you know that as a student of the University of Lodz you can take part not only in international exchanges but also in national ones? Discover Poland for students with the "MOST" programme!


What are the benefits of taking part in the "MOST" programme?

  • you will establish research contacts with the scientific community of another university
  • you can start working with recognised specialists in your field and university lecturers with significant scientific achievements
  • you will learn about teaching techniques used by academics at other universities
  • you will take part in nationally unique learning activities, available only outside your mother university 
  • you will complete your study curricula in a new environment
  • you will benefit from the unique resources of the libraries of other universities
  • you will receive a certificate confirming your participation in the programme


"MOST" is a student and doctoral student mobility programme which for more than 20 years has made it possible to study (either for a semester or a whole year) at one of nearly 30 Polish universities.

Yes, it is. The participation in the programme is free of charge.

First of all, create an account on the programme portal, fill in and print out the application form, collect the relevant signatures and contact your coordinator or faculty coordinator. Detailed information and instructions can be found on the programme website.

You can take part in the programme if you have completed the second semester of a uniform master's studies, the second semester of BA studies, the first semester of MA studies or if you are a doctoral student after the first year of studies or after the first year of training at a doctoral school.


Yes, you can. If you are a student in the final year of BA, MA studies or uniform master’s studies, you are obliged to make arrangements before you leave for your BA/MA seminar and other classes preparing for the diploma exam at your mother university.

Recruitment under the "MOST" exchange programme is carried out twice a year:

  • from April to May (recruitment for the winter semester and the entire academic year)
  • from October to November (summer semester recruitment)

More information on recruitment can be found by using this link. This website will allow you to follow the up-to-date information and set up an account.

If you would like to take part in the "MOST" exchange programme, set up an account on the IRK-MOST website and chose the study programme(s) you are interested in and the university where you would like to complete the programme.


Once you have printed out the application form, number your chosen study programmes (in order from the most preferable one – numbered 1 – to the least preferable one).

Deliver the application immediately to your faculty dean's office. A member of staff in the Dean's Office will present your application to the Dean (or other authorised person) for approval.

Remember not to wait until the last minute to submit your application.

Your application should reach the dean's office early enough so that, after forwarding it to the faculty and then the university coordinator, it receives final approvals and is uploaded to the system before the end of recruitment.

You may attach a letter of motivation to your application, stating why you have chosen this particular study programme (e.g. link to your previous research or academic activity) or why you would like to be referred to the university of your choice (uniqueness of the subject offered by a particular university, academic achievements of the lecturer, desire to attend classes taught by a lecturer with exceptional academic achievements, resources of the university library, etc.).

Eligibility decisions are made by the University Education Committee. Decisions will be available on your individual IRK MOST account.

If you have not qualified for the exchange, you remain on the reserve list. That way, if a space becomes available, you can use it.

Once you have received a positive decision, but before you go on your exchange, you should agree on the content of the Learning Agreement. It will be the basis for the implementation of the exchange.

When it is necessary to change the content of the agreement, use the Annex to the Agreement form.

Settlement of your fulfilment of the Learning Agreement will be made by the dean of your mother university on the basis of the Periodic Achievement Sheet.

For details, use this link.

This link will redirect you to all the documents.


The decision will be sent to your individual IRK-MOST account.


Yes, you can! This also works the other way round: once you have gone abroad under the Erasmus programme, you can also apply for a place on the "MOST" programme. 
Would you like to know more? Visit the programme’s website.

No, you will not lose the right to receive the scholarship awarded and paid by your mother university.


If for some reason your trip cannot take place (random incident), you should report this information to your faculty "MOST" coordinator.


If you need to resign from the participation in the programme, detailed instructions on what to do can be found using this link.


The university coordinator for students: : 
mgr Anna Majka, phone: +48 42 635-40-80;
The university coordinator for doctoral students:
Dr Magdalena Ferlińska, phone: +48 42 665-54-28  
Faculty of Philology
mgr Katarzyna Pawłowska, phone: +48 42 665-52-16
Faculty of Philosophy and History
mgr Beata Buchalska,  phone: +48 42 665-56-90
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
Aleksandra Szymczyk, phone: +48 42 635-47-33
Faculty of Law and Administration
mgr Agnieszka Grącka, phone: +48 42 635-46-48
Faculty of Economics and Sociology
mgr Małgorzata Bocianowska, phone: +48 42 635-51-13
Faculty of Educational Sciences
mgr Agnieszka Śliwerska, phone: +48 42 665-57-20
Faculty of Management
Agnieszka Filip, phone: +48 42 635-62-18
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
mgr Agnieszka Górecka-Janowska, phone: +48 42 635-59-45
Faculty of International and Political Studies
Maja Dobkowska, phone: +48 42 635-43-78
Faculty of Geographical Sciences
Leonarda Spertusiak, phone: +48 42 665-59-10
Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics
mgr Monika Filipkowska, phone: +48 42 635-57-42
Faculty of Chemistry
mgr Magdalena Pietruszka, phone: +48 42 635-57-43

This link will redirect you to the current list of universities taking part in the programme.