Employees of the University of Lodz and persons working at the university on the basis of civil law contracts (“the Users”) are obliged to own an institutional e-mail account in domain or a faculty subdomain.   

To create an e-mail address, an application form (page 5 of the regulation) should be submitted to the faculty e-mail server administrator. For your employee code number, please contact the Personnel Department at, Rector's Office Building.


  1. Institutional electronic e-mail accounts at the university are created upon request.
  2. The application shall be submitted in case of accounts created:
  • in domain – to the UL IT Center,   
  • in faculty subdomain – to the faculty e-mail server administrator.   
  1. Institutional e-mail address shall be created in the following forms:  

  • <first name>.<last name> or  
  • <first name>.<last name> 
  1. Access to the e-mail account is password protected. Rules for setting passwords are defined in the application draft referred to in point 1.   

  • Passwords should be collected in person at the IT Center of the University of Lodz or at the faculty administrator’s office. 
  1. E-mail accounts are created for the time of employment at the University of Lodz. 

  1. The employee is obliged to confirm that they have read the Rules on electronic mail in the Employee Service (Portal Pracowniczy UL) within 30 days from creating an e-mail account.  

  1. Technical problems related to accounts shall be reported to the e-mail server administrator. 

IMPORTANT! If you already have an e-mail account and encounter any difficulties, you may contact your faculty IT or central IT unit, e-mail:  


  1. ELSNA card is issued at the request of an academic teacher. 
  2. An academic teacher submits an application to the Personnel Department of the University of Lodz (Rector’s Office, room 10), together with payment confirmation for the card. 
  • The fee for issuing the ELSNA card is PLN 22.00. 
  • The fee should be paid by the academic teacher to the bank account of the University of Lodz, No. 18 1240 6292 1111 0011 0660 3629. 
  • The title of the transfer for the amount specified in point 1 shall includes the following information: 
    •            ELSNA, 
    •            name and surname, 
    •            employee code, 
    •            name of the department in which the person is employed. 
  1. An academic teacher is obliged to upload a recent photograph to the USOSweb system that meets the requirements indicated on the government website: 
  • The organisational unit of the University of Lodz faculty in which the person is employed confirms the identity of the person with the photograph uploaded to the USOSweb system. 
  1. On the basis of the application to issue the ELSNA card, the UL Personnel Department places an order to produce the employee card to the IT Centre of the University of Lodz. 

  1. The ELSNA card should be collected in person at the UL Personnel Department.  

  2. An academic teacher may request a duplicate of the ELSNA card in the event of its loss or theft.


Detailed instructions 


University of Lodz Library

Address: Matejki 32, Lodz (Google Map link:

Opening hours:

  • Monday 8AM–8PM
  • Tuesday 8AM–8PM
  • Wednesday 8AM–8PM
  • Thursday 8AM–8PM
  • Friday 8AM–8PM
  • Saturday 8AM–8PM
  • Sunday Closed

If you lose your card, please contact the Library Lending Department immediately, phone: +48 42 635 60 50.

You can sing up for the library in the Lending Department located on the ground floor of the University of Lodz Library. Registration formalities must be carried out in person.

To sign up for the University of Lodz Library you should have a valid ID card with you.


After you are employed at the University of Lodz your family members (spouse and children) may also be covered with national health insurance. 

In order to apply for such health insurance, you and your family members must have Polish personal identification numbers (PESEL). Detailed instructions on how to obtain a PESEL number can be found here.

If your family members have PESEL numbers, you should go to the Personnel Department at Narutowicza 68 (rooms: 9,10,12,13) and file a declaration to cover your family members with national helath insurance. The declaration must be submitted in person.

Contact to the Personnel Department: