
Doctoral School of Social Sciencies of University of Łódź

10.2021 - PhD student in economics and finance

Title of PhD thesis: Expansion of Chinese companies to European stock exchanges - determinants and consequences for European capital markets

Regional Bar Association in Łódź

2021-2023 - Attorney at Law Traineeship

2024 - the positive result of the attorney-at- law bar exam

Business School, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

09.2019 -06.2020 - Bachelor of Arts with Honours, International Business, first class

Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz

10.2017 -07.2020 - BA, International Economic Relations, business on the international business specialization

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz

10.2014 -08.2020 - MA Law, 5 years unitary Master's study, civil law specialization


  • The Medal for Glorious Studies;
  • Award for the best Bachelor's thesis awarded in the 7th edition of the Competition for the Best Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Thesis on the Capital Market organized by the Warsaw Stock Exchange Foundation,
  • Award for the best Bachelor's thesis granted in the 7th edition of the National Competition for the Best Master's and Bachelor's Thesis in International Economic Relations under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Development and Technology,
  • Award for the best Bachelor's thesis granted in the 3rd Prof. Wincenty Styś Competition for the Best Bachelor's Thesis in the Field of Economic Sciences organised by the Polish Economic Society Branch in Wroclaw,
  • Special Award from the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Sociology UL for all achievements during the studies,
  • Mentoring Programme for the University of Lodz VIP Graduate,
  • Rector's scholarship for the best students - MA Law (10% of the best students),
  • Rector's scholarship for the best students - BA International Economic Relations (10% of the best students).


POW 3/5 room: C218 90-255 Łódź

wednesday: 15:30-17:00 Starting from 01.10.2024 until 31.03.2025 I am on an internship abroad. Please contact me by email.