Paradiplomacy, city diplomacy, Chinese local government interactions
Participation in research grants:
- PI: NCN Preludium 20: Model of cooperation between cities and regions of CEE and China (2021/41/N/HS5/01963).
- PI: Grant for PhD students by Faculty of International and Political Studies and Doctoral School of Social Sciences University of Lodz: New theoretical and methodological approaches for examining city diplomacy.
- PI: 4th edition of Student Research Grants at the University of Lodz: Sino-Italian sub-state relations on the example of cooperation between Italian regions and selected provinces of the People's Republic of China.
- Research assistant: NCN OPUS 24: The role of regions and cities in transatlantic relations (2022/47/B/HS5/00772).
- Research assistant: NCN OPUS 17: The role of cities in the European Union's policy towards China (2019/33/B/HS5/01272).
Research internships:
- University of Melbourne, Melbourne Centre for Cities (November 2022-December 2022).
- Kamiński T., Ciesielska-Klikowska J., Gzik M., Cities as Actors in the EU policy towards China, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2024,
- Kamiński T., Gzik M., Trzydzieści lat niewygodnego partnerstwa−ewolucja stosunków UE–Chiny, [in:] Unia Europejska w turbulentnym świecie 30 lat traktatu z Maastricht (ed. Fiszer J.M. & Stępniewski T.), Instytut Europy Środkowej 2022, p. 211-234, ISBN: 978-83-66413-86-3.
- Kamiński T., Gzik M., Współpraca polskich miast z partnerami chińskimi i jej miejsce w polskiej polityce zagranicznej, Sprawy Międzynarodowe 74(1), 2021, p. 65-92, DOI: 10.35757/SM.2021.74.1.10.
- Kamiński T., Gzik M., Italy, [in:] The role of regions in EU-China relations (ed. Kamiński T.), Lodz University Press, 2021, DOI: 10.18778/8142-517-9.04.
- Gzik M., Determinanty uczestnictwa we współpracy międzynarodowej miast na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Analiza na przykładzie międzynarodowej sieci miejskiej Eurocities, [in:] Implementacja Idei Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu na Bazie Społecznej Gospodarki Rynkowej Determinantą Zarządzania w Realizacji Założeń Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (ed. Kretek H.A.), Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Raciborzu, 2020, ISBN: 9780-83-951494-9-8.
Conference speeches:
- Presentation "Czy rozmiar zawsze ma znaczenie? Studium przypadku współpracy Amsterdamu i Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego z Chinami" during conference "I Kongres PTSM", University of Lodz, 10.11.2023.
- Presentation "Subnational policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe. A well-functioning mechanism or untapped potential?" during the conference "Paradiplomacy and International Relations in Europe and Beyond: The New Gameplay of Multi-Centric Diplomacy", Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, 12.07.2023.
- Presentation "Determinanty międzynarodowej współpracy miast Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej z Chinami" during the conference Paradyplomacja i dyplomacja publiczna: wyzwania dla polskiej polityki zagranicznej, Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM w Gnieźnie, 25.05.2023.
- Presentation "Multileveled relations between CEE and China. The role of the cities in the era of non-effective relations in the 16+1 initiative" during the ISA 64th Annual Convention, Montreal, 14.03.2023.
- Presentation "Od traktatu z Maastricht do współczesności, czyli ewolucja niewygodnego partnerstwa w stosunkach unijno-chińskich" during the conference V Konferencja Naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Studiów Międzynarodowych, Oddział w Łodzi oraz WSMiP UŁ, University of Lodz, 13.10.2022.
- Presentation "Jak międzynarodowa aktywność miast i regionów wpływa na wielopoziomową politykę zagraniczną prowadzoną przez państwa oraz organizacje międzynarodowe?" during the conference Postęp czy regres? Jaki będzie świat po nowej zimnej wojnie?, University of Lodz, 27.09.2022.
- Presentation "City and Regional policy towards China in CEE. A well-functioning mechanism or untapped potential?" during the conference UACES 52nd Annual Conference, Lille, 07.09.2022.
- Presentation "Subnational relations between Poland and China. Case of Polish cities and regions" during the conference 17th LEAM Conference 2022: Regional order in (post)-pandemic Asia, University of Lodz, 27.06.2022.
- Presentation "Subnational Relations between Poland and China. Case of Polish Cities and Regions" during the conference China in Contemporary International Relations: Beyond the boundaries of Western and Non-Western intellectual traditions, SWPS University & University of Warsaw, 24.06.2022.
- Presentation "Wielopoziomowe relacje między Europą Środkowo-Wschodnią a Chinami. Czy dyplomacja miejska może stanowić remedium w dobie nieefektywnych relacji ponadnarodowych w inicjatywie 16+1?" during the conference V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Oddziału Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Polsko-Austriackiego i Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, University of Lodz, 20.06.2022.
- Presentation "Chinese and American engagement in the Western Balkans at the municipal level. The importance of sub-state relations in the foreign policy of the Balkan states towards China and the United States" during the conference Big Powers in the Western Balkans: Cooperation and/or Competition?, East China Normal University Shanghai, 20.05.2022.
- Presentation "Cooperation between CEE and Chinese cities. A well-functioning mechanism or untapped potential?" during the conference 2022 EUSA 17th Biennial Conference - Miami, Florida, EUSA, 20.05.2022.
- Presentation "Współpraca polskich miast z Chinami" during the conference X Ogólnopolska Konwencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Studiów. Dynamika zmian stosunków międzynarodowych: Nowe wyzwania i transformacje, UMCS Lublin, 04.11.2021.
- Presentation "Subnational dimension of CEE-China relations. The Case of European Cities" during the conference Six Decades of the Past, Six Decades for the Future. International conference celebrating 60 years of teaching and researching International Relations in Slovenia, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences, 08.10.2021.
- Presentation "The scope of urban policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe" during the conference UACES 2021 Annual Conference, UACES, 06.09.2021.
- Presentation "The scope of urban policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe" during the conference EISA 8th European Workshops in International Studies Virtual Workshops: Imagine all the people sharing all the world – Visions of International Relations, EISA, 30.06.2021.
- Presentation "The scope of urban policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe" during the conference III Kongres Europeistyki. Europa wielu prędkości, University of Wroclaw, 28.06.2021.
- Presentation "The scope of urban policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe" during the conference 16th International Conference Lodz East Asia Meeting: Rethinking Southeast Asia in World Politics, University of Lodz, 24.06.2021.
- Presentation "The scope of urban policy coordination towards China in Central and Eastern Europe" during the conference UACES Graduate Forum Research Conference 2021: Europe in Cha(lle)nging Times, UACES, 18.06.2021.
- Presentation "City-to-city cooperation between Europe and China. Case of Polish cities" during the conference Beyond Europe: New Challenges, New Opportunities?, UAM Poznań, 03.12.2020.
- Presentation "Determinants of participation in international cooperation of cities for sustainable development. Analysis on the example of the international urban network Eurocities" during the conference Sustainable development - scientific debut 2019, Faculty of Organization and Management of the Silesian University of Technology in Zabrze, 2019.
- Presentation "Italian-Chinese regional cooperation" during the conference The Great Way: the past and future of Chinese civilization, Faculty of Sinology at the University of Warsaw, 2019.
- Presentation "Italian-Chinese regional cooperation" during the conference Socio-political changes in the People's Republic of China in the second decade of the 21st century, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice, 2019.
- Presentation "Subnational cooperation between Italian and Chinese regions" during the conference 15th Lodz East Asia Meeting: New Dynamics in Asia, University of Lodz, 2018.
Participation in non-scientific projects and awards:
- Winner of the Rector's scientific award for achievements in the field of activities related to publishing activity and the internationalization of education as well as scientific and research work for three years of doctoral studies.
- I received the award of the Rector of the University of Lodz for doctoral students for organizational activities in 2023.
- In March 2023, I received a distinction from the Rector of the University of Lodz for doctoral activities for the benefit of the University of Lodz.
- I am a laureate of the "PROM 2023" program financed by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA, which enabled me to travel to Charles University in Prague in May 2023 to conduct research.
- I was a member of the organizing committee in the "SPINAKER - intensive international education programs 2021" program financed by the EU Cohesion Fund and the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA. I co-organized two editions of SDNS UniLodz Summer Schools.
- I received a medal "Za chlubne studia" of the University of Lodz for my master's studies, which I completed with an average grade of 4.91/5, the best grade (5) on the diploma, and conference and publishing activity. This is the highest distinction awarded by the University to students who stand out with excellent academic results and exemplary fulfilment of their duties.
- I am the winner of the "Sustainable Development - Scientific Debut 2019" competition organized by the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland and former President of the European Parliament - Professor Jerzy Buzek.