PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Małgorzata Mstowska


I deal with issues of social responsibility of the university, including:

- recognizing the needs, proposing solutions and actions for individual organizational units of the University of Lodz in the implementation of internal solutions of social responsibility of the university and sustainable development within the framework of the work of the Council for Climate and Environmental Policy and the Council for Equal Treatment;

- Reviewing existing legal acts at the University of Lodz in terms of the principles of social responsibility of the university and recommending new regulations so as to plan the development of the University of Lodz based on the objectives of sustainable development - environmental (E ), social (S ) and corporate governance (G ) issues;

- Initiating pro-environmental and equality measures and implementing solutions to improve the daily functioning of the University as a socially responsible organization;

- Activities overseeing GEP implementation work.

In addition:

- Developing application proposals in competitions for funding activities related to the University's social responsibility and sustainable development;

- I am the secretary of the Research Ethics Committee, organizing meetings and work of the Committee, preparing resolutions, and handling communications with applicants.


phone: 42-635-42-07

Uniwersytecka 3 () room: 211 90-137 Łódź