PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Katarzyna Pardyka
My main task is to coordinate and support UNIC activities as the alliance's Program Manager. This means administrative support within the UNIC Office, but also planning and supervision of activities within one of the projects' work packages. As a deputy director, I support projects led by the International Hub, co-organize the work of the office and co-create strategic directions of activities within international networks established by the University of Lodz units.
In addition:
- I carry out tasks aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the University on the international arena
- I support activities that increase the University's visibility in international rankings
- I co-create reports, analyzes and summaries on the activities of the International Hub and international cooperation implemented at the University of Lodz
- I support the creation of a uniform development strategy for the University of Lodz in the area of international cooperation
Uniwersytecka 3 () room: 310 90-137 Łódź