PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Joanna Kruczkowska



Associate Professor (2020)


Associate professor at the Department of British Literature and Culture (Institute of English Studies, University of Lodz).

Last project “IRELLAS: Irish Poets and Contemporary Greece” ( was devoted to Irish poets' travels in Greece as well as their translations and reception of Modern Greek poetry. Part of the project was carried out in the framework of the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship in cooperation with the University of Athens.

Joint doctorate (thèse en co-tutelle), Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle and University of Lodz: The Role of Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry in the Context of the Conflict in Ulster (2003, grade: très honorable).

Translator and interpreter (conference interpreter training at the European Parliament and the Council of Europe).

Vice-President (2000-2019) of the Tansman Association for the Promotion of Culture (organiser of the Tansman International Festival and Competition of Musical Personalities, and of the Children’s Creativity Festival).


Research interests:

Comparative poetry (Irish, British, Modern Greek, Polish); ecocriticism, travel writing, literary translation; political, historical and social contexts

Organised conferences:

  • Borders and Crossings 2023: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel Writing (University of Lodz / University of Glasgow)
  • Irish-Greek poetic symposium Living / Writing: Inner and Outer Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets (University of Athens, 2015)
  • Experiment in Drama, Theatre, Film and Media (University of Lodz, 2017)
  • Culture as a Chance for the Development of Lodz and Its Region (2006)

Supervised theses:
Ireland and the Environment; Ireland in the 20th century (literature and culture); British literature



  • Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (2015-2016)
  • Scholarship of the Greek government at the University of Ioannina, Greece (2007-2008)
  • Joint doctorate scholarship (bourse de co-tutelle), Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle (2003)
  • British Council Joseph Conrad Scholarship, University of Ulster (2001)
  • European Parliament's scholarship for conference interpreters, University of Bradford (1999)
  • Scholarship for conference interpreters, L’Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg (1998)

Visiting scholarships:

University of Athens (2011-2012)

Additional diplomas:

Conference interperet's diploma (University of Lodz / Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, 1998)



Irish Poets and Modern Greece: Heaney, Mahon, Cavafy, Seferis. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Edited books:

Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018.

Diversity and Homogeneity: The Politics of Nation, Ethnicity and Gender. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. (co-editor: Paulina Mirowska)

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

“Footsteps Travel in Iceland: Armitage, MacNeice, Auden.” Studies in Travel Writing 26.2 (2023): 104-118, DOI: 10.1080/13645145.2023.2240531

“Paula Meehan’s Greek Poem: Environmental Footsteps.” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 2023 (online), 48.2 (Oct 2024), DOI: 10.1017/byz.2023.18

"Museum Project: 14 Henrietta St. Museum, Paula Meehan, Dragana Jurišić and the Irish Housing Crisis." Text Matters 12 (2022): 452-469, doi: 10.18778/2083-2931.12.27

„Projekt Museum, Paula Meehan i Dragana Jurišić: irlandzki kryzys mieszkaniowy w trzech odsłonach,” Studia Filologiczne UJK 35 (2022): 463-483, doi: 10.25951/8444

“Memorials of the Irish West: John McHugh, Paul Durcan and Harry Clifton.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 25.2 (Fall 2019): 357-374.

“Decadent Tourism in Derek Mahon’s The Yellow Book.” Études Irlandaises 42.2 (2017): 123-138.

“The (Im)palpable: Two Cycladic Landscapes by Derek Mahon and Michael Longley.” Landscapes 17.1 (2016): 3-22.

Cast out of Reality in the Labyrinth on the Sea: Zbigniew Herbert’s Crete and Its Myth.” Modern Greek Studies Online 2 (2016): A 41-65.

“Cavafy in Poland.” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 39.2 (2015): 266-285.

“Who Gets Translated and Why? Anthologies of Twentieth-century Greek Poetry in Poland.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 33.1 (May 2015): 105-125.

“The Use of Ulster Speech by Michael Longley and Tom Paulin.” Text Matters 1 (2011): 241-253.

“Language and Fiction as Subjects and Media of Simon Armitage’s Poems.” Folia Litteraria Anglica 5 (2002): 111-121.

Book chapters:

“The Edges of Europe: Affinities between Ireland and Greece.” Encounters in Greek and Irish Fiction. Ed. Paschalis Nikolau. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. 1-9.

“Irish Poets on Paros: O’Grady, Mahon, Longley, Brennan.” Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews. Ed. Joanna Kruczkowska. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 71-94.

“Introduction: Inner and Outer Landscapes in Irish and Greek Poetry.” Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews. Ed. Joanna Kruczkowska. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 1-18.

“Tom Paulin and Ulster: Subversion or Sabotage?” 1916 and Irish Literature, Culture and Society. Irish Studies in Europe 6. Ed. Sean Crosson and Werner Huber. Trier: WVT, 2015. 167-182.

A Sketch for an ‘Idyll’: Eliot, Auden and Seferis in Cyprus.” Poets of the Past, Poets of the Present. Ed. Monika Szuba and Tomasz Wiśniewski. Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, 2013. 13-30.

Szkic do ‘sielanki’: Eliot, Auden, Seferis i sprawa cypryjska” [w:] Poeci współcześni. Poeci przeszłości pod red. Moniki Szuby i Tomasza Wiśniewskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk, 2013, s. 89-106.

“Linguistic Substitution vs. Metonymy: Two Poems by Ciarán Carson and Michael Longley on the Northern Irish Conflict.” Comparative Studies in Anglophone Literatures: Transnational, Postcolonial, and Auto/thematic (re)Considerations and (re)Visions. Ed. Grzegorz Koneczniak. Toruń: Toruń University Press, 2012. 205-215.

“Derek Mahon’s Seascapes Mediated through Greece: Antiquity in Modernity, Nature in Abstraction.” Irish Landscapes: New Myths, New Perspectives. Ed. Marie Mianowski. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 69-80.

“Openness and Light in the Dialogue between the North and the South – Selected Poems by Contemporary Irish and Greek Poets.” The Playful Air of Light(ness) in Irish Literature and Culture. Ed. Marta Goszczyńska and Katarzyna Poloczek. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 17-29. (Heaney, Mahon, Seferis)

“Kings and Poets: Self-Irony in Selected Poems by George Seferis and Derek Mahon.” Here/Now – Then/There: Traditions, Memory, Innovation in Modern British and Irish Poetry. Essays on Modern British and Irish Poetry. Ed. Ludmiła Gruszewska Blaim and David Malcolm. Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, 2011. 46-61.

“Northern Irish Poets and the Identity Split.” Kulturowe przedstawienia psychiatrii i chorób psychicznych. Ed. Katarzyna Szmigiero. Piotrków Trybunalski: Piotrków Scientific Press, 2009. 123-131.

“Seamus Heaney on Zbigniew Herbert. Affinities.” Studies in Literature and Culture in Honour of Prof. Janicka-Świderska. Ed. M. Edelson. Lodz: Lodz University Press, 2002. 111-121.

Articles in literary journals:

“Gdziekolwiek pójdę, Grecja mnie rani. Seferis i jego dziennik” [Wherever I travel, Greece wounds me: Seferis and his Diary]. Odra 9 (Sept 2021): 74-79.

D.Phil. dissertation:

Role of Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry in the Context of the Conflict in Ulster. Paris: Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Lodz: University of Lodz, 2003 (330 p.; additionally: summary in French: 88 p., summary in Polish: 79 p.).


“Between Ireland and Greece: Interview with Paula Meehan.” Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets. Ed. Joanna Kruczkowska. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 165-172.

(appeared previously in the Poeticanet journal:

“Temenos, Eurydice, Ithaca: Interview with Theo Dorgan.” Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets. Ed. Joanna Kruczkowska. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 173-184.

Audio interviews:

18 recorded interviews with writers, critics, translators (see the IRELLAS project website, under "interviews").

Others: numerous translations from English, French, and Modern Greek, including

Solomos, Aleksis. Święty Bachus. Nieznane lata teatru greckiego 300 p.n.e.-1600 n.e. [Αλέξης Σολωμός, Αγιος Βάκχος; Solomos, Alexis. Saint Bacchus, 1964]. Transl. Joanna Kruczkowska and Beata Schada Borzyszkowska. Wrocław: Grotowski Institute, 2010.

Translations of George Seferis’s essays, Literatura na Świecie

Griva, Anna. Poems. Transl. Joanna Kruczkowska and Markos Dendrinos. Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews. Ed. Joanna Kruczkowska. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 252-263.