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dr Joanna Kosmalska
Joanna Kosmalska graduated in English from University of Lodz, where she currently works, having studied at University College Dublin in Ireland and Flensburg Universität in Germany.
In 2008-2009, she carried out research on teaching English to immigrant pupils in primary schools in Dublin greater area. The results of her research were partially published in “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis” (2012) and laid the groundwork for an EU funded postgraduate teacher training programme which she ran at the University of Lodz ( In 2011-2015, she initiated and led the international project “Polish (E)migration Literature in Britain and Ireland since 2004” which was financed by the National Science Centre (
In 2016-2019, she was a co-investigator in “Talking Transformations: Home on the Move” project at King’s College London, which examined how the notion of “home” had changed under the forces of migration and globalisation. Then she was part of the international research network “Experimental Translation” funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, within which she investigated intersemiotic translation. Currently, she explores migration drama and theatre produced by Polish migrants in Ireland, the UK and the US in the project “Theatrical Heritage of Polish Migrants: Interdisciplinary Research on Polish Culture Abroad”.
She is a member of Cultural Literacy Everywhere association ( She was invited to give lectures at universities in Germany, Ireland, Poland, Switzerland and the UK. She has published a number of interviews with writers and articles on Polish writing in Ireland and the UK and created a Virtual Archive “The Polish Diaspora in the UK and Ireland. Migrations in Literature and Culture” ( . She works as a film and literary translator.
Her research interests include the impact of migration on contemporary literature and culture in Poland, Britain, Ireland, and the US, migration literature, migration theatre, literary translation, film translation, intersemiotic translation, multiculturalism, multilingualism and transnationalism.
Research grants:
- Awans dla anglisty (project coordinator, 2011-2013):
- Polish (e)migration literature in Britain and Ireland since 2004 (deputy coordinator, 2011-2016):
- Talking Transformations: Home on the Move (co-investigator, 2016-2019):
- Experimental Translation (participant, 2021-2023):
- Theatrical Heritage of Polish Migrants (co-investigator, 2022-2024)
Organisation of conferences:
- Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research (2020)
- Poles Away. Migrations in Literature (2014)
- Intercultural dialogue/ Dialog międzykulturowy (2011)
Visiting fellowships:
Germany, Justus –Liebig- Universität, Giessen, DAAD Forschungsstipendien – Kurzstipendien (2018).
Belgium, Brussels, KU Leuven, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (2016).
Germany, Justus –Liebig- Universität, Giessen, DAAD Forschungsstipendien – Kurzstipendien (2016).
Germany, Passau Universität, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (2015).
Invited lectures:
Title: Amerykański sen, czyli życie i twórczość dramatopisarki polskiego pochodzenia Martyny Majok, conference Teatr polski poza granicami: kultura, tożsamość i wspólnota, Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Warszawa, September 2023,
Title: Ireland and the Irish in the Polish Eye, Goethe-Institut Irland, Dublin, Irlandia, November 2019.
Title: Polish Migration Stories since 2004, conference 30 Jahre «Wende» in Osteuropa/10 Jahre Osteuropa-Studien Bern-Fribourg , Universität Bern i Universität Fribourg, Szwajcaria, October 2019,
Title: The Response of Polish Writers to Brexit, conference Poles in Britain: History, Culture and Literature, University of Portsmouth, Wielka Brytania, July 2019.
Title: Labour Migration: The Polish Community in the UK and Ireland, Justus –Liebig- Universität, Giessen, Niemcy, December 2018.
Title: Twórczość pisarska Polaków w Wielkiej Brytanii po 2004 roku/Polish Writing in the UK since 2004, project of Polish Embassy in London Polska półka/Polish Bookshelf - Promowanie wiedzy o historii i kulturze Polski, Gloucester Public Library, the UK, October 2018,
Title: Linguistic Interactions under the Forces of Migration, Euroculture Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts Programme, University of Groningen and Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Cracow, June 2018,
Title: The Transnational Home in Polish Literature, conference Home, Belonging & Language, King’s College London, the UK, June 2018,
Title: The Influence of Post-2004 Migration on Contemporary Fiction, KU Leuven, Brussels, Belgium, November 2016.
Title: Migrant Author and the World, symposium Cultural Literacy and Creative Futures, Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University and Free Word Centre, London, the UK, June 2016.
Title: Twórczość migrantów: Transnarodowy zwrot w polskiej literaturze, conference Migrationserfahrungen im vereinten Europa. Narrationen von SchriftstellerInnen polnischer Herkunft in Deutschland nach 1989, Polsko-Niemiecki Instytut Badawczy w Collegium Polonicum w Słubicach (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu i Europejski Uniwersytet Viadrina we Frankfurcie nad Odrą) i Instytut Slawistyki Uniwersytetu Humboldtów, Słubice, Dcember 2015,
Title: Polish People in the British Isles. The Influence of Post-Enlargement Migration on Contemporary Literature and Film, Universität Passau, Germany, October 2015.
Joanna Kosmalska, "Defining Migration Writing" Journal of Literary Theory, vol. 16, no. 2, 2022, pp. 331-350, DOI:
---, “The Response of Polish Writers to Brexit”, Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC), 2.26 (2019): 167-180.Joanna Kosmalska, “The Response of Polish Writers to Brexit”, Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC), 2.26 (2019): 167-180.
---, “Writing by Poles in the UK and Ireland: The Transnational Turn in Polish Literature”, Teksty Drugie, 1.13 (2018) : 131-148.
---, “Liberated from Their Language: Polish Migrant Authors Publishing in English”, Open Cultural Studies, 1 (2017): 666–677.
---, “Polish Migrant Literature in Britain and Ireland. Signs of a New Literary Trend?” Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie, 1.72 (2016): 179-205.
---. “Twórczość Polaków na Wyspach Brytyjskich. Transnarodowy zwrot w polskiej literaturze” [“Writings by Poles in the UK and Ireland: The Transnational Turn in Polish Literature”]. Teksty Drugie 3 (2016): 165 – 186.
---. “Immigration and Primary Education in Ireland.” Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica 118 (2012): 126 – 146.
---. “Dichotomous Images in McEwan’s Saturday: in Pursuit of Objective Balance.” Text Matters 1 (2011): 268-275.
Joanna Kosmalska, “A Country Constructed from Memories: Representations of Poland and Poles in Migrant Writing in the Twenty-First Century” w Polish Culture in Britain red. Maggie Bowers i Ben Dew, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, DOI:
---, “The Contribution of Polish Writers to the Brexit Debate” w Brexit and the Migrant Voice: EU Citizens in post-Brexit Literature and Culture, red. Christina Berberich, Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge, 2022.
---, “Turning the foreign land into a homeland: the representations of Ireland and the Irish in Polish literature”, Ireland in the European Eye, red. Gisela Holfter i Bettina Migge, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2019: 119-146.
---. “Dyskurs literacki w procesie przekładu. Studium polskiejtwórczości migracyjnej”, Dyskurs – współczesne opracowania i perspektywy badawcze. Ed. Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka and Mikołaj Deckert. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2018: 165-182.
---. “Dwu(wielo)języczność w twórczości polskich migrantów na Wyspach Brytyjskich” [“Bi(multi)lingualism in Writings by Polish Migrants in the UK and Ireland”]. Migrantenliteratur im Wandel /Literatura migracyjna w procesie. Ed. Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski and Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016: 157-170.
---.“Mehrsprachigkeit in den Narrationen von Schriftstellern polnischer Herkunft in Großbritannien und Irland.” Migrantenliteratur im Wandel /Literatura migracyjna w procesie. Ed. Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski, and Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz. Trans. by Joanna Lipniewicz. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016: 157-170.
---. “The Advantages and Shortcomings of the English Language Support Programme in Irish Primary Schools.” Ze Wschodu na Zachód. Problemy dialogu międzykulturowego, nie tylko w Europie. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Leksem, 2013.
---. “New Realities: A Depiction of Immigrants in Maeve Binchy’s “Heart and Soul.” Changing Ireland: Transitions and Transformations in Irish Literature and Culture, Ed. Katarzyna Poloczek and Marta Goszczyńska. Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ, 2010: 111-118.
---. “Budujemy nowoczesną wieżę Babel – wpływ lingwistycznej filozofii Lacana na rozumienie tolerancji w świetle filmu Alejandro Gonzaleza Innaritu.” Dyskursy i przestrzenie (nie)tolerancji. Ed. Grzegorz Gazda, Irena Hubner, Jarosław Płuciennik. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2008: 77-83.
Edited volumes
“Migrant Literature”. Teksty Drugie, 1.13 (2018), Warsaw: IBL PAN i UŁ. Ed. Joanna Kosmalska and Jerzy Jarniewicz,
“Literatura migracyjna”. Teksty Drugie 3 (2016), Warsaw: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Uniwersytet Łódzki. Ed. Joanna Kosmalska and Jerzy Jarniewicz.
“Reflections on Teaching English. ICT, Literature, Culture.” Łódź: Zakład Literatury i Kultury Brytyjskiej UŁ. Ed. Joanna Kosmalska and Tomasz Dobrogoszcz.
“Dekadentzya”, Vol. 3, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012. Ed. Joanna Kosmalska.
Joanna Kosmalska and Joanna Rostek. “Irish-Polish Cultural Interrelations in Practice: Interviews with Chris Binchy, Piotr Czerwiński, Dermot Bolger, and Anna Wolf.” Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies 5 (2015): 103-130. DOI:
---. “Transcultural Theatre in the UK. Uilleam Blacker Talks to Joanna Kosmalska.” Text Matters 6 (2016): 248-253. DOI:
---. “The Privilege to Write What You Want. Roddy Doyle Talks to Joanna Kosmalska.” Text Matters. 4 (2014): 244-247. DOI: 10.2478/texmat-2014-0016.
---. “Goodbye Polsko, Hello Anglio. Joanna Czechowska Speaks with Joanna Kosmalska.” Text Matters 4 (2014): 248-253. DOI: 10.2478/texmat-2014-0016.
---. “Wielka Brytania moim drugim domem. Z Tomaszem Mielcarkiem rozmawia z Joanna Kosmalska.” Fraza 4.86 (2014): 28-31.
---. “Czuję się pisarką polską z krwi i kości. Z Wiolettą Grzegorzewską rozmawia z Joanna Kosmalska. ”Kwartalnik Artystyczno-Literacki “Arterie” 2.19 (2014): 151-156.
Reviews and essays
Kosmalska, Joanna. “The Ballymun Trilogy by Dermot Bolger. Review.” The Stinging Fly 2.17 (2011): 114-116.
---. “Tamte miejsca – byłem tam. Recenzja Obecności Tomasza Mielcarka.” Fraza 1-2 (2016): 28-31.
---. “KaMPe Story.” Kwartalnik Artystyczno-Literacki “Arterie” 2.23 (2016): 160-163.
Research portal
Archiwum Wirtualne: Polacy w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii. Migracje w literaturze i kulturze/ Virtual Archive: The Polish Diaspora in the UK and Ireland. Migrations in Literature and Culture, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2015. Web: