PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Bogdan Buczkowski

dr Bogdan Buczkowski
I. Conducting scientific research: the role and functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy, foreign direct investment, enterprise risk management (ERM), economic integration processes in the world, the economy of Japan and China
II. Conducting lectures: Business Models and Operations, Business Culture in China and Japan, Business Systems, Customs Policy and Customs Clearance Procedures, Cultural Aspects in International Business, International Finance, International Business Insurance, International Business Negotiations, International Trade Missions, Fairs and Exhibitions, International Business Settlements, International Business Negotiations, Management and Marketing, International Economic Transactions, Customs procedures. International Commercial Law. Principles of Management. Principles of Marketing, International Economics, International Economic History.
III. Supervisor of specializations:
1. Business on the international market - in the field of International Economic Relations
2. International Business - at the first and second degree in the field of Economics in English
Completed master's degree at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, major: Economics and Organization of Foreign Trade. Doctoral thesis "The Role of the Yen in the Process of Internationalization of the Japanese Economy" prepared and defended at the University of Lodz. Research continued both at the University of Lodz and at Japanese universities: Osaka University of International Studies and Kagawa University during a four-year stay on a scholarship from the Japanese government and a scholarship from the Mayor of Takamatsu and the Kuraoka Foundation. Practical knowledge and skills in the field of banking, international economic transactions, feasibility study, company agreements with foreign capital, leasing, consignment and customs warehouses, quality control systems he acquired and used in his teaching work at the University of Lodz and for various business entities, including: internships at Osnowna Banka Sarajevo, Privredna Banka Mostar in Mostar; ZPHZ Textilimpex- Confexim and PHZ Skórimpex in Łódź, in Consultex in Wałbrzych - as a lecturer and expert in foreign trade and international marketing, conducting training and consultations for business entities throughout Poland; in Dorhazet at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade in Łódź as a lecturer and expert in international business, in the Foundation for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Scientific Society for Organization and Management in Łódź, the Association of Economic Consultants Pro-Akademia in Lodz, ARUP, PAG Uniconsult in Warsaw, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau, Olympus Center for Education and Business Development in Warsaw, as a lecturer and expert at chambers of commerce in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk and Enterprise expert at FRP in Lodz. His research interests include international economics and international business. Published over forty scientific articles in Polish and foreign journals. He was the editor and co-author of eight books in Polish and English, including three textbooks. He has participated in many national and international scientific conferences where research results were presented. As a co-author and contractor, I participated in five EU-funded research projects ("Human and social capital as factors in the development of the Łódź region", 2010–2012); Mayor of the City of Łódź ("Łódź's ability to compete in the European Single Market", 2009–2010; "The role of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Łódź Metropolitan Area", 2011–2012); PARP ("Conditions for conducting foreign trade in the European Union", 2012) and NCN ("Determinants and effects of active internationalization of enterprises from the Łódź Voivodeship", 2011–2012. In the field of didactics - course and specialization classes in many subjects, both in Polish and English, at the home faculty and at other faculties of the University of Lodz. Lectures at universities in Japan, Ukraine (Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk), Moldova (Chisinau) and China (Zhengzhou), as well as as summer schools and academic staff mobility programmes at many European universities: in Denmark (Aarhus), Lithuania (Kaunas), Latvia (Riga), Spain (Santiago de Compostela, Alcalá de Henares, Pampelona), Portugal (Coimbra, Ponta Delgada), Romania (Oradea, Yasi, Constanța) and Italy (Benevento, Padua, Trento, Milan, Varese, Naples), Estonia (Tartu).
For his involvement in the activities and development of the University of Lodz: the Gold Badge of the University of Lodz (2007) and the Silver Medal for Long Service (2009). He has been awarded several times by the Rector of the University of Lodz with the first and second degree award for achievements in teaching and organizational activities and the team award for scientific achievements (2015, 2017). Co-author of the project and the application, as well as its coordinator and co-investigator - "European Mobility Placements for Open Innovation" ("empl-oi"), an international consortium of universities and companies (from Belgium, Lithuania, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Polish and Italy), financed by the EC under the Erasmus+ Programme (KA2) 2015-2018 Co-author of two didactic projects qualified for implementation in the NCBiR competition in 2016:
1) International Business – GO GLOBAL" preparation and implementation of the education program in cooperation with employers using modern methods and tools of education.
2) Project “International Entrepreneurship – GO GLOBAL” - preparation of a curriculum in English for students. Co-author of the project of a foreign consortium of universities and companies (from Belgium, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain, Poland and Italy: #E-MINDSET Europe Management of Innovative Networks (KA2). Participation in the work, workshops and conferences of the International Business Object Committee - (academic teachers from Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Poland, included and Italy) I am in contact with Business didactics, including the online program.
Co-author of the program International Business and Business on the Market, which is subject to control at the international level and launches International Business in the field of Economics in English.
Coordinator and main executor of "New interdisciplinary studies" for students resulting from: "International Business" and "Business and Environment" together with a set of textbooks in English, which have been implemented at the University of Lodz since 2016 as part of the FRSE grant from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (2015-2016).
Participation in the Higher Education Open Space conference (HEOS), Luxembourg, 03/11/2015.
I. Books
1) Conditions of conducting foreign trade in the European Union, PARP, Warsaw 2012 (co-author).
2) Buczkowski B., Kuna-Marszałek A., Business in the contemporary economy, University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz, 2016.
3) Organizational and legal aspects of conducting international business activity (chapter 2), [in:] Business in the contemporary economy, edited by B. Buczkowski, A. Kuna-Marszałek, University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2016.
4) Practical aspects of doing international business, Dorożyński T., Świerkocki J. (eds.), University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2016 (author of 3 chapters).
5) Buczkowski B., Kłysik-Uryszek A., Kuna-Marszałek A., Świerkocki J., Poland's Outward Foreign Direct Investments. Experiences of Enterprises from the Łódź Region, University of Łódź Publishing House, Łódź 2015
6) Polish direct investments. Experiences of the Łódź region, University of Łódź Publishing House, Łódź 2015 (co-author).
7) Social responsibility of business - case studies of international companies, University of Łódź Publishing House, Łódź 2016 (co-author).
8) Buczkowski B., Enterprise Risk Management in Poland [in:] Enterprise Risk Management in Europe, Maffei M. (ed.), Emerald Publishing, 2021
1) Motives for foreign direct investments - an example of enterprises in the Łódź province. [in:] Regional and International Economy, Studies and Works of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management No. 41, vol. 2. Scientific Publishing House of the University of Szczecin, Szczecin 2015. (co-author)
2) Polish OFDI – Scale, Structure and Trends, Research Papers of Wroclaw University No.406, the Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw 2015 (co-author).
POW 3/5 room: A 407 90-255 Łódź