PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Anna Rogozińska-Pawełczyk

dr hab. Anna Rogozińska-Pawełczyk
- preparation and implementation of didactic classes in the area of, among others, human resource management, social competence, basics of psychology;
- conducting didactic classes in Polish and English, such as:
- Creativity and Personnel Activities;
- Creativity in Business.
- conducting scientific research, publishing the results of scientific research in the field of human resource management, organizational behavior including psychological contract management;
- scientific supervision of doctoral students;
- leadership and participation in scientific research and teaching projects and publication of research results;
- organizational activities for the benefit of the Department, Institute and Faculty.
Prof. Anna Rogozinska-Pawełczyk, PhD, UŁ
Psychologist, PhD in the discipline of management sciences, associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, in the Department of Labor and Social Policy. In 2019-2020, the Dean's Representative for the Development of the Didactic Institute. My research interests revolve around the topics of human resource management, organizational behavior, psychological contract, highly effective HPWS work systems. I have managed 11 international projects and chaired the work of six research teams, among others, within the framework of research grants from the National Science Center, funded by the European Social Fund, EU projects HORYZONT 2020 and funded by the Norwegian Funds. I carry out a wide range of expert activities, I am a reviewer, external expert and member of the team of experts at NCN and NAWA. Member of Eurasia Business and Economics Society. Author of more than 100 scientific articles, author and co-author of nine scientific monographs. In 2005-2016, she was a co-organizer and auditor in the nationwide Human Resource Management Leader competition organized by the Institute of Labor and Social Affairs in Warsaw.