Our Centre deals with:
research and development activities in preventing and responding to biological threats but also if chemical, radiological/nuclear and explosive agents are used (CBRNe);
cooperation with state services responsible for safety and security such as law enforcement institutions, fire-fighters, medical and military services and other governmental, EU and international agencies;raising of public awareness of the CBRNe threats and crisis management;
common R&D projects with public and private sectors in preparing new technological solutions, products, models or training;
preparing and conducting externally funded projects tackling cooperation among research and training institutions, service and products providers and end-users to enhance the preparedness and response to CBRNe incidents.
The Biohazard Prevention Centre implements projects and cooperates with various public and private institutions such as the international and national public services (e.g. police departments), education institutions, HEI, civil and military research institutes, consulting and training centres and other leading organization active in the field of public safety and security.
The Centre is involved in implementation of various projects in the increasing protection of public places,
especially in regards to CBRN threats
Role as a coordinator:
(2023 - 2025) ISFP DG HOME project "HOTHREAT - Tailored CBRNe protection measures for hotels and conference centres" with the aim to address the existing gap in the protection of hotels to CBRNe terrorist threats. Such need has been proved during broad consultation with the end-users, their engagement in the consortium and their interest to introduce the results. https://hothreat.eu/about-project/
(2021 - 2023) ISFP DG HOME project “ProSPeReS - Protection System for large gatherings of People in Religious Sites” with the aim to enhance the protection of places of worship against terrorist threats by balancing security measures and preserving the open nature of religious sites. https://prosperes.eu/
(2021 - 2023) ISFP DG HOME project “SAFE STADIUM - Integrated large sport facilities protection system supporting the CBRN security of mass events” to initiate and support the cooperation of public and private sector with sport facilities working in the area of security as well as will promote knowledge and awareness related to protection of stadiums and public spaces against CBRN threats. https://safe-stadium.eu/
(2019 - 2022) ISFP DG HOME project “Mall-CBRN: Creation of CBRNE protection system for large area shopping malls” which long-term goal is increasing safety of European Union society using daily the services of large-area shopping malls by creating comprehensive program of prevention and response to CBRNe threats. https://mall-cbrn.uni.lodz.pl/
(2016 - 2018) ISFP DG HOME project “Support for European Union action in the field of CBRN security managers education” which aim was to educate a group of highly-specialized "CBRN security managers" whose qualifications can be used in various crisis situations related to the risk of terrorist attacks using CBRN agents. http://secbrnure.uni.lodz.pl/
(2016 - 2018) ERASMUS+ KA 2 project “Development of CBRN training programme for police officers” dedicated for patrol police units and implemented with Polish, Belgium and Cyprus Police.
(2021 - 2023) Polish National Defense and Security Program, “CBRN-POL - Development of CBRN training programme for police officers”. http://cbrn-pol.uni.lodz.pl/
Role as a partner:
(2024 - 2027) "P106 - CBRN Table top and field Exercises, Simulations, Training (TEST) to mitigate risks-P106"
(2023-2025) ISFP DG HOME "SHRINES - Raising AwareneSs for the protection of places of worsHip by pRomoting interfaith dIalogue on the use of advaNced tEchnologies" https://shrines-project.eu/
(2021 - 2023) H2020 “HoloZcan - Deep Learning Powered Holographic Microscopy for Biothreat Detection on Field” https://www.holozcan.com/
(2021 - 2023) H2020 “NEST - An iNteropErable multidomain CBRN SysTem” https://nest-h2020.eu/index.html
(2018 - 2021) ISFP DG HOME project "Bullseye - Harmonised procedures and awareness of all agencies involved in the response of a chemical or a biological terrorist attack: education- training and train the trainer" https://www.bullseyeproject.eu/
(2018 - 2021) ISFP DG HOME project "MELODY - A harmonised CBRN training curriculum for first responders and medical staff" https://melody.sckcen.be/
Biohazard Prevention Centre
Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
University of Lodz
Pilarskiego Street 14/16
90-231 Łódź
e-mail: CBRN@uni.lodz.pl