Universities and Re-Construction of Cities: the Role of Research and Education, Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum, 23-25 October 2023
Participants are kindly asked to confirm their attendance by fillin in an online Registration Form. Deadline for registration and payment is 10 October 2023. Conference fees should be credited to the University of Lodz account at the moment of the registration otherwise the participation will not be confirmed.
A fee is required:
- For Participants the amount will be € 600 (six hundred Euro).
The fee covers the admission to the conference with a personal badge, participation in the world café sessions, documentation concerning the conference, coffee breaks and lunches foreseen in the program, attendance at the Gala Dinner, access to the Ceremony of the Signature of the Magna Charta Universitatum and lunch.
- For Companions (husband/spouses/etc. who will not attend conference and debates) the amount will be € 350 (three hundred fifty Euro);
The fee covers the attendance at the Gala Dinner, access to the Ceremony of the Signature of the Magna Charta Universitatum and lunch.
Advance payment of the full fixed fee is required from both resident and non-resident participants. The full fee is due regardless of the time the participant spends at the conference and cannot be reduced for anyone.
The Registration can be considered completed and valid only after the receipt of the payment.
For Students (who send a copy of their current student ID) fee is not required.
- bank transfer to the following account:
Bank: Bank Pekao
Seat: University of Lodz, Narutowicza 68, 90-136 Łódź, Polska
IBAN: PL47 1240 6292 1978 0011 2461 7859
Account: 47 1240 6292 1978 0011 2461 7859
Bank holder: KF23:Magna Charta
Description: Please, write MCO 2023 event and the full name of your institution
- credit card: payment by American Express, Visa or Mastercard is accepted. Click here to pay by credit card using our website
- payments by cheque or “bon de commande” are not accepted. Cash or credit card payment at the conference site are not accepted under any condition.
A receipt/invoice for payment fee will be sent by e-mail at the receipt of the relevant amount by the University of Lodz conference committee.